[Essence] Re-mix Your Style – Love and Dance Top Coats

At first, I wasn’t sure about those two, but anyway, I could not resist.


I used them both over Chanel Vendetta, which is an almost black purple with a hidden shimmer. The Dance top coat is actually called Waking Up in Vegas and contains loads of flakies. I’ve heard that it is a dupe to GOSH Rainbow and Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure. Unfortunately, I do not own these two, so I can’t do comparisons.



Feels So Good is the actual name of the Love top coat, which gives the mani underneath a pinkish shimmer, but it’s a quite complex one, so that Vendetta appears more purple than black.

feels so good

feels so good

I like both of them. 🙂

3 thoughts on “[Essence] Re-mix Your Style – Love and Dance Top Coats

  1. Sehr cool! Sind die neu? (Ich hätte das ja nie gedacht, dass Du mich mit Lacken (immer noch nur unteres Preissegment, weil: ich lackiere immer noch nur die Zehennägel, weil ich meine Pfoten nicht lang genug stillhalten kann, dass ich keine Kratzer rein bekomme, und dafür sind mir Chanel & Co. zu teuer….) so anfixt, echt jetzt….


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