[Essence] Sandy Toes & Salty Kisses

It’s not news that I like white on my nails. I just think it’s a classy and chic colour, also a bit extraordinary. I could not resist Sandy Toes & Salty Kisses when I first saw it at the drugstore – but did, in order to come back a couple of days later and after I found it sold out everywhere. Nevertheless, the brach I usually shop still had some leftovers of the collection – and I got it for free, because they had already removed everything from their database. So that was really sweet.

Sandy Toes & Salty Kisses is a true white with silver glitter, described as “sea salt finish” (i.e. gritty and matte).

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Two coats turned out to be a bit patchy, so I needed three. What’s really disappointing, the glitter does not show once everything has dried. Not really showing through and hard to make out.

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Macro shot.

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Next week the wheather is going to be brilliant, thus I will pull out my beloved China Glaze neons. It is probably supposed to be the last hot week for this summer. I know that you might be waiting for Dior Skyline, the only one of the autumn polishes I have not worn and shown yet, but I am currently more in the mood for bright and flashy colours …