[Chanel] Golden Sand (317)

Golden Sand lives up to its name; this one is a muted gold (gold and bronze) shade presenting a pearl finish (thus it can get a bit streaky).


Two coats shown below – direct sunlight.

goldensand317 1_zpskmzzqead

goldensand317 2_zps8qukazr4
goldensand317 3_zps192yfgfa
Cloudy sky.

goldensand317 4_zpsahh1wwvh

Close-up view.

goldensand317 m_zpsycvrdrec

Programmes and timetables for Fantasy Filmfest are now online, really early this year, although screenings in Berlin will start on 17 August (with Hamburg being the last festival city from 8-18 September). So what I have been basically doing for the last days was watching film trailers. :mrgreen: I really can’t wait!